
Ravello, a resort community set 365 meters above the Tyrrhenian Sea by Italy's Amalfi Coastline, is house to renowned cliffside gardens. The 13th-century, Moorish-style Rental property Rufolo provides far-ranging sights from its terraced gardens, and also hosts interior and also outdoor shows throughout the prominent summertime Ravello Event. Rental property Cimbrone, a medieval-style estate set down on a high outcrop, is bordered by another celebrated yard.

On Suite Cimbrone's Terrazza dell'Infinito, a line of marble portrait busts notes an overlook with sweeping Gulf of Salerno sights. A hideaway for Hollywood legend Greta Garbo in the 1930s, the estate is now an upmarket hotel. Midtown, Ravello's narrow, sloping roads center on Piazza del Duomo, a plaza controlled by the 11th-century basilica Santa Maria Assunta. The strikingly modern Oscar Niemeyer Amphitheater, which phases concerts as well as art displays, remains on the side of the community. Ravello is likewise close to lots of wineries as well as the seaside communities of Amalfi and Positano.

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